Hey folks, welcome back to my blog post! This week, I'm going to go over the importance of participation in the digital world and how you can use it to improve your experience within digital spaces. For this week's blog, we're going to be using chapters 3 & 4 of Rheingold's Net Smart as well as Dr.Tucker Steffen's Social networks to virtual communities lecture presentation. The Importance of Participatory Culture & Power Think of the last time you had the power to influence and even change your surroundings. When you clean up your room, save up money for a car, or even go vote, you(ideally) have the power to change your surroundings, for better or worse. In the same way, participating in the digital world allows you to exercise that ability to change your surroundings on a larger scale. When you participate in the digital world, you're exercising your power in the way you interact with others, the communities within a digital space, and those who create...