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Get Social! How To Level Up Your Networking Skills

 Hey folks, welcome to the last week and the last post for this blog! Working on this blog has definitely gotten me interested in creating future blogs about topics I might be interested in! Nevertheless, last week, we discussed the importance of using visual rhetoric such as color & shapes to appeal to the audience you want to attract. This week, we'll be going over the importance of social networks & webs and how they're used to grow popular blogs, websites, and channels. For that, we'll be going over Chapter 5 & 6 of Rheingold's Net Smart.  Can you think of a time when you didn't use the internet to communicate with others? When I was in elementary school we communicated most often through play and collaboration. We were mostly influencd by our peers while in school, but we could've also been influenced by teachers and even our parents. By the time I entered middle school I had access to the internet and its vast network of digital spaces, but lon...
Recent posts

Colors & Shapes! How Visual Rhetoric Improves Readability

Hey folks, welcome back to my blog! Last week, we went over how to build your own audience and the importance of research communities. This week, we're going to discuss the ways in which you can use color and shapes to appeal to the audience you're attempting to appeal to. For that, we're going to be using Ramage's Conducting Visual Arguments, Hock's Understanding Visual Rhetoric in Digital Writing Environments, and Dr.Tucker Steffen's Visual Rhetoric Lecture presentation.  Certain colors & shapes can invoke certain emotions. Think about how traffic signs are used to control and manage cars on the road. A red, hexagonal sign with a capitalized "STOP" will grab the attention of a driver as opposed to a blue, circular sign with a lowercase "stop." When an audience interacts with your blog, podcast, or social media profile, they're going to be influenced by the overall design of your creation. According to Ramage, "Visuals can enhan...

Search It Up! Building a community from scratch

 Hey folks, welcome back to another blog post for the week! Last week, we went over the importance of your participatory power, digital communities, and growing an audience within said communities. This week, we're going to go over how you can use and create content of your own through research, authorship, and rhetoric. For that, we're going to be using Chapter 4 from Rheingold's Net Space, Chapter 11, Pg.183 of Driscoll et al.'s Writing Spaces, and Dr.Tucker Steffen's Web Rhetoric, Authorship, and Digital Writing lecture.    Have you ever spent time trying to learn something new? When you start a new hobby, it can be a daunting task to figure out exactly where to start, or what you can do to improve your skills. That's where finding a community that specializes in the hobby you're trying to learn comes into play.  If you find a group of people steadily involved in making and divulging info on a particular subject, you can gain more knowledge about that sub...

Using Your Participatory POWER!

Hey folks, welcome back to my blog post! This week, I'm going to go over the importance of participation in the digital world and how you can use it to improve your experience within digital spaces. For this week's blog, we're going to be using chapters 3 & 4 of Rheingold's Net Smart as well as Dr.Tucker Steffen's Social networks to virtual communities lecture presentation.  The Importance of Participatory Culture & Power Think of the last time you had the power to influence and even change your surroundings. When you clean up your room, save up money for a car, or even go vote, you(ideally) have the power to change your surroundings, for better or worse. In the same way, participating in the digital world allows you to exercise that ability to change your surroundings on a larger scale. When you participate in the digital world, you're exercising your power in the way you interact with others, the communities within a digital space, and those who create...

Can I Have Your ATTENTION? How digital spaces influence human culture and growth

In today's society, digital spaces have become a necessity for navigating everyday life. Growing digital spaces such as social media have created new ways for how we engage and interact with each other as a society. For this reason alone, having some basic knowledge is crucial in this expanding digital age. Undoubtedly, learning how to navigate these digital spaces can build and improve your aptitude within the digital world. Here, we will dive into the five social media literacies that affect human engagement with the help of Rheingold's  Attention, and other 21st-century social media literacies . What are the Five Social Media Literacies?